Shielding Heaven's Secrets

"Huhu, looks like Junior came in time. Lucky that Senior hasn't broken through. Otherwise, the backlash of Heavenly Dao will make your eyes more serious and I'd be powerless to do anything as well," Ye Yuan smiled and said.

Jian Zhentao's entire body trembled and he said, "W-What do you mean?"

Ye Yuan said, "Coming this time, it's firstly to request help from Senior. Secondly … it's naturally to help Senior treat your eyes as well."

Jian Zhentao said in surprise, "You mean that … this old man's eyes actually still have hope of restoring sight?"

Heavenly Dao's backlash was Heavenly Dao's punishment to martial artists. It was naturally impossible to heal easily.

Jian Zhentao had long given up hope, so his entire person became open-minded too.

It was also because of this that his mind became illuminated and touched that layer of fleeting and ephemeral Heavenly Dao instead.