Not Giving Face.

"You … You want to publicly execute me in order to lure Ye Yuan out?" Jiang Jadehall said with a furious roar.

Yu Jinsong had a smug look as he said smilingly, "You're not stupid, understanding it so quickly. Today, City Lord Manor has already arranged three True God Realm experts to lie in wait around the execution ground. The moment he appears, the three great True God Realm powerhouses will attack at the same time! You guess, what will be his outcome? Hahaha!"

Jiang Jadehall was incomparably shocked in his heart. In order to deal with Ye Yuan, the City Lord Manor actually sent out three True God Realm powerhouses.

Ye Yuan's strength was actually already powerful to such a degree?

It had just been a short few hundred years, Ye Yuan's growth completely exceeded his imagination.

Ye Yuan barged into a dragon's lair, a tiger's den alone in order to save him and save Jiang Haitang. He was very touched in his heart.