Big Brother Xun Will Protect You

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Inside the dark dense woods, several figures crisscrossed, the battle situation very intense.

A white figure passed through between more than a dozen black monsters. The situation was alarmingly dangerous.

However, that white figure was extremely nimble. No matter how dangerous the situation, he could always turn danger into safety in the end.

This white-clothed youth was precisely Ye Yuan.

Currently, close to a year's time already passed since Ye Yuan entered the Dragon Eye Cave.

Ye Yuan's aura was much stronger compared to when he just came in.

In this one year, Ye Yuan hunted several thousand rank six abyss monsters, obtaining large amounts of black crystals.

Of course, how could one not wet their shoes if they frequently walked by the roadside? Ye Yuan naturally encountered Empyrean Realm abyss monsters before too.