Your Father will Kick You to Death!

"Haha, Master Ye, stop forcing it! The heavenly medicines that you've used in your cultivation these few years, we know it like the back of our hands. Forget about the Jasper Regeneration Pill; even if it's slightly more difficult heavenly pills, you've never dabbled in them too. This nation teacher didn't say things wrongly, right?" Lin Lan said with a sneer.

Ye Yuan nodded slightly and said, "You're right. I've studied more than 20 kinds of heavenly pills in these five years. All of them were basic heavenly pills."

There's nothing that can't be publicized!

Ye Yuan did not have the intention of hiding these things in the first place.

It was just that the likes of Eldest Prince and Lin Lan treated it as a big deal.

However, Ye Yuan admitting it very shamelessly made everyone lose confidence.

Was the one point heavenly alchemist who had once shone with boundless radiance finally going to fall here?