Big Yellow, Step on Him!

"You don't know?" This time, it was Taoist Wu Fang's turn to be surprised.

"Jadetrue Heavenly Sect widely distributed hero invitations, inviting experts at Jade Sovereign Heaven and above to explore a mystic realm together. Now, there are numerous experts currently heading to Jadetrue Heavenly Sect."

Ye Yuan frowned and said, "What kind of mystic realm is it that even the Jadetrue Heavenly Sect can't handle?"

Taoist Wu Fang shook his head and said, "Jadetrue Heavenly Sect kept a tight lid on it. We currently don't know the situation yet. But they let out rumors that there might be a grandmist treasure coming into being this time. Furthermore, there's even the lucky chance to become a saint!"

"So that's how it is!"

Regardless of whether it was a grandmist treasure or the lucky chance to become a saint, it was very attractive to Jade Sovereign Heaven powerhouses.