Suppressing a City, Entire Army Sudden Raid!

This was the Heaven One army's first time going out of Absolute Heaven in thousands of years!

With 100 thousand soldiers, each carried a feeling of novelty and even more a strong sense of pride.

We are the first batch out of Absolute Heaven!

It turns out that outside of Absolute Heaven, there is such scenery!

There were many among them who even had tears run down their cheeks.

"It's been more than 5000 years. I finally set foot in my homeland! Sniff sniff … Thank you so much, Master Ye!"

A True Sovereign Heaven prostrated down to Ye Yuan, shedding tears of gratitude.

He went to the Absolute Heaven Barrier back then and originally thought that he could never hope to return to his homeland again.

He did not expect that today, he actually went out of Absolute Heaven!