Come Late, Leave Early

When Li had first gone to the weightlifting team, he had met Aiguo Jiang, who was also training alone. It was due, however, to Jiang’s bad temper and pride; nobody was willing to work with him. Besides, Jiang was about to retire with little hope of getting a good performance. No coach wanted to waste time on him, nor did they want to waste resources.

After he had arrived, Li visited Feifei several times, and had a general idea about her training. Feifei had her own coach, training assistant, fitness coach, dietitian, and a videographer who would record Feifei’s entire training process and show it to professionals in order to improve her training effectiveness.

Feifei was a world champion, and had broken world records several times. Feixiang Lin was also a world champion and world record-holder, and had a better place in sport enthusiasts’ hearts than Feifei. Why didn’t Lin have a coach? It didn’t make any sense.