They Don’t Listen

Based off Dai Li’s past experience, in order to reach a national first-level athlete’s proficiency, one’s ability must be above 150 points. However, all five athletes were below 100 points, which indicated that they still had a long way to go.

For the shot put event, the minimum standard for a national second-level athlete was 12.50 meters, while the standard for a first-level athlete was 16.20 meters. There was a 3.7 meter gap between the two levels.

An important thing to note was that a performance was assigned value based on standard shot weight. A standard shot weighted 7.26kg, which was 16 pounds. In youth competitions, the U20 level used a 6kg shot, while the U18 level used a 5kg shot more often.

They don’t even have 100 points of ability, nor do they have any special talent. This team must be the worst I have ever met.