An Unexpected Opponent

"Coach Li, the group lists for the 100m sprint have been released." Doctor Mao walked quickly and handed Dai Li a sheet, then said, "The game is pretty tense. Two competitions in the morning and two more in the afternoon. All 100m sprint competitions need to be held on the same day."

Dai Li took the sheet and said, "There is a big disparity among our participants. For the advanced athletes, the two competitions in the morning are just warm-ups. They only have to reach the minimum time. The two competitions in the afternoon are much more important for them."

"It works the same way for other programs. If you can finish one game in one day, you will never delay it to the next day. The sponsor wants to save on the budget," Doctor Mao complained, "The sponsor wants to spend as little money as possible. They hope the athletes can leave immediately after the game is over."