
If someone asked the audience who the best heavyweight boxer in the world was right then, eight out of ten would give the same answer: Hopkins, "The Iron Professor."

Hopkins entered and won a gold medal in the Olympics when he was 22 years old. He subsequently became a professional boxer. As an amateur who had already won in the Olympics, he was at an advantage when he became a professional boxer.

Hopkins was two meters tall, with an arm's reach of 206 centimeters. That combination was perfect for heavyweight boxing. A fist that was capable of delivering devastating blows, and a light and nimble body. In the heavyweight class, those who were shorter than him would be at a major disadvantage. Those who were around the same height didn't have an arm's reach as wide as his. Those who were taller and larger than him wouldn't be able to match him in speed and agility. In other words, Hopkins's body was perfect for the sport.