Romance of the Three Kingdoms

He returned to the beast park. The next morning, a soldier arrived at the beast park to notify that Her Majesty had summoned him.

This time around, the soldier who came wasn't Shi Hu anymore. It was someone that Ren Baqian did not know. When he reached the beast park, he asked around and found out where Ren Baqian was.

Ren Baqian was about to carry Gungun and play with it. Gungun always tried to struggle free from his hands.

When Ren Baqian saw a soldier arriving, he immediately went forward to greet him and ask, "I am Ren Baqian. May I know why Her Majesty summoned me?"

"Just follow me when I tell you to do so and stop uttering so much nonsense," the soldier spoke with an arrogant tone.

They entered the palace and arrived at the same palace hall that Ren Baqian had come to last time. He did not know what the palace halls in the palace were for but it seemed that the empress liked this one very much.