The Humiliation of Earthlings

Even though it was called stewed chicken with mushroom, the dish was actually cooked with a chaffinch. Its meat tasted better than ordinary chicken meat. Before it was even taken out of the pot, its overwhelming fragrance hit everyone in the imperial kitchen, causing them to start drooling.

Fried pork in scoop was cooked using an animal named yingzhong. The texture of its meat was very similar to pork's. The red braised meat that they made last time used its meat as well.

There were many cows in Dayao, especially water buffalos. They could be found on plains and low-lying forests. Many Dayao people reared them as well. They were considered one of Dayao's main food sources.

After stewing the vegetables, Ren Baqian found a spot and sat down. Many cooks ran over to ask him the details of the dishes he was making. For example, how to use the spices on these dishes. Ren Baqian answered their questions one by one.