No Matter What, Being Promoted is Always a Good Thing

"It's written on the imperial edict," Shi Hu pointed to the imperial edict and said.

Ren Baqian unrolled the imperial edict. There were tens of words on it, but he did not understand a single one of them.

Ren Baqian remembered just now, while Shi Hu was declaring the imperial edict, he said less than twenty words. When he counted the number of words on the imperial edict now, he realized there were at least fifty words.

"What's written on it?" Before Ren Baqian came here, he did not expect he would one day be illiterate. In any case, his English had reached Grade 4, and he could also understand one or two words of Japanese.

"I don't know," Shi Hu replied with a straight face. He looked trustworthy, but when Ren Baqian heard his words, he was dumbstruck.

"You don't know?" Ren Baqian almost yelled out these words.

"I am illiterate," Shi Hu spoke as thought it was a matter of course.