A Fearsome Warrior

Gu Shou threw Ren Baqian a set of official robes. If other people wore it, it might fit them just right, or slightly loose. However, if Ren Baqian wore it, it would look extremely huge on him.

Ren Baqian held it in his hands and prepared to find a tailor to alter it.

Originally, Teng Hulu and Tie Dao were like two enormous bodyguards standing behind him. However, when compared to Xiong Pi, they were insignificant. When they stood in front of Xiong Pi, they needed to raise their heads to look at him.

Even though Teng Hulu and Tie Dao had huge physiques, their heights were less than 1.75 meters, somewhat similar to Ren Baqian's. Their bodies, however, looked much more muscular and heavier than Ren Baqian's. They weighed at least 120 kilograms each.

However, when they were compared to Xiong Pi, they were like frail and delicate chickens.

Ren Baqian gave Xiong Pi's upper arm a nudge. It felt as though it was cast out of iron.