Different Types of People Have Different Thoughts

Ren Baqian left the crowd and made a turn on the road. He began to blanch and his back perspired incessantly.

He never thought that he could do such a thing.

Even he was appalled at what he had just done, so much so that he found it terrifying.

Those words and that kind of performance were completely unlike what he would normally do.

Upon returning to the Honglu Bureau, he immediately rushed to the toilet and vomited.

A while ago, he personally gave the order to trample a man who was standing beside him to death. It was as if it was just like stepping on a cockroach.

Although Ren Baqian deliberately did not lower his head to see the scene, he could hear what was going on. Especially the final sound that sounded like a persimmon being trampled on.

Thinking of the image of a persimmon being squashed made him vomit.