I Will Grant You Your Wish

In front of everyone, was a man donned in a robe that was embroidered with flowers. His hair was draped over his shoulders, his face was powdered, and a cinnabar dot was between his eyebrows. He was considered good-looking, but it was just that he gave off a gloomy and cold aura.

This person was the grand pavilion master of the Nine Pavilions, Hua Sanliu. He looked as if he was in his early twenties, but in actual fact, he was already in his fifties.

And behind him stood eight people. They had nothing in common as some were tall, some were short, fat, or skinny. There was an old man with saggy skin as well as a young lady who seemed to be in her sweet sixteen.

These nine people accounted for nine of the top hundred experts in the world.

It could also be said that all are notorious.