
Ren Baqian was sitting on Qi Shui's back yet again. Travelling along the White Dragon River, everyone headed towards the upper reach of the river. The elevation of the ground increased while the distance between the two river coasts decreased.

"The Falling Moon Gorge is right ahead," Teng Ji reminded everyone.

At this moment, the path alongside the river, which had been perfectly straight all this time, suddenly made a turn, significantly increasing the distance to the Falling Moon Gorge.

After travelling towards higher ground for some distance, Ren Baqian saw fluttering banners at the opposite side. There were many of them, and they were inscribed with words of this world.

At the same time, he also saw the how the Falling Moon Gorge looked like. The two sides of the Falling Moon Gorge extended forward for some distance. Beneath the gorge, there was a bottomless abyss.