Back at the Laboratory Once Again

Ren Baqian dived straight into his bed when he returned to Earth. These days, he was both mentally and physically exhausted and had suffered lots of injuries as well.

He had to handle many different issues every morning and had to practice martial arts from afternoon all the way till night where he could finally take a break.

After that, he still had to be beaten up every alternate day, by a Lolita with her hair up in buns, to let him realize why the flowers were so rosy.

Lastly, he still had to bear with the threats from another nation. He had to be prepared against an assassination attempt at all times. It had already been a few days since he last stepped out of the palace.

"Hai!" Ren Baqian sighed deeply.

When will this ever end?

He got up after lying in bed for quite some time. There were many missed calls on his phone, and of which, almost ten were from Chen Qing. There were also some missed calls from unknown numbers.