On the Run

Ren Baqian closed the door and squatted down beside the young man lying on the floor.

Bloody foam was spewing out of his mouth like how a crab produced bubbles through its mouth. His eyes were filled with utter fear. He did not expect a stranger to be waiting for him, and he could feel life was leaving his body.

"I think you still can be saved." Ren Baqian had an amiable look on his face.

"If you have something to say, you better say it now. Otherwise, you're going to die soon. Tell me, where's Jin Wen?"

The young man continued to spew out bloody foam from his mouth. Like a chicken, he kept on gurgling without saying anything.

"Don't tell me…" Ren Baqian was flabbergasted. Where did he shoot this young man in? Then, he examined the body of the young man carefully. One shot landed on his chest and another shot landed near to his heart. It was already very fortunate that he did not die on the spot, let alone him allowing him to speak.