A Rapturous Applause

Ren Baqian and the empress were walking across Charles Bridge. The empress had activated her glowing bracelet again. Bone-piercing chilliness exuded from her body. Everyone around her subconsciously kept half a meter away from her. This was an instinctive action, but most people couldn't sense it.

Even though there was a multitude of people on the bridge, it wasn't really cramped. Therefore, not many people realized there was a gap between them and the empress.

On the bridge, Ren Baqian and the empress saw the source of music and drumbeats they'd heard just now. A guy sitting on the side of the bridge was beating a hand drum while blowing a 1.5-meter-long pipe at the same time. The pipe gave off a hollow and distant tune while the drumbeat added a primitive twist to it.

After watching the guy perform for a while, they walked past him.

There were 30 statues mounted to the balustrade of Charles Bridge. Every statue had its own story.