The Diary of Willful Students

The second day, Ren Baqian rode the motorbike to the Black Bamboo Academy. Under the company of the cow-riding imperial guards, he appeared exceptionally striking to the eye. Along the way, he attracted a lot of dumbfounded gazes. This was the first time that the people of Dayao saw such a beast. They were also intrigued by the weird roaring sound it made.

Even Xu Wei and his counterparts couldn't help but look at Ren Baqian and the beast he was riding on every now and then.

The students immediately saw the odd-looking thing when they entered the academy.

A group of people surrounded the motorbike. Some of them even tried touching it out of curiosity. It felt very hard and metallic to them. The color of black on its surface seemed unusual as well. They could not make sense of it.

Many students would be eating biscuit rolls on their way here. After touching the motorbike, they left greasy handprints all over it.

"What is this?"