Ready To Set Off

When everyone went up the mountain, they had brought a pile of glass bottles. However, when they went down the mountain, they brought a pile of galvanized iron sheets as well as a wooden box with them. Ren Baqian was holding onto a W-85 heavy machine gun that was longer than his body and pointed it from time to time.

"Teacher, what is this?" Shi Gan moved close to Ren Baqian and asked.

For a long while, everyone had been pondering about what that thing was in Ren Baqian's hand. No matter how they looked at it, it looked like the rifle he used in the classroom previously.

However, wasn't the previous rifle smaller? Why was this one was so much bigger?

The consequences of getting shot by this rifle made everyone tremble with fear.

"Do you want to know what this is?" Ren Baqian flashed a good-natured smile.

"Yes." Shi Gan nodded his head sincerely.

"Stand over there. I'll fire a few shots at you." Ren Baqian pointed to the side.