
"Sir Ren, Sir Ren?" Shi Hu shouted a few times before before catching Ren Baqian's attention.

"What's the matter?" Sir Ren turned his head, looked at Shi Hu, and tried to find out what was going on.

Ren Baqian had continuously been in such a mood for a few consecutive days. Ever since he learned that his money was gone, he had been consumed by great bitterness and deep thoughts all day long, causing others to wonder if he had been dealt too huge a shock.

"Her Majesty is looking for you."

"Oh!" Ren Baqian nodded and hastily headed over to the main hall of the city commander's residence.

"Your Majesty! Sir Li!" Upon arriving at the main hall, Ren Baqian noticed that the empress was eating popcorn. She even shared some of the popcorn with Li Qianqiu, and he was extremely touched.

It was indeed worth it for him to feel touched. For the empress to share her snacks with him, he must be someone highly favored by the empress.