Siege (Part 1)

Jinyu City wasn't considered a big city in Great Xia, but the population was about tens of thousands of people.

At present, it was morning, an early chilly morning in May. Dozens of people were lining up to pay the entrance fee before they were able to enter the city.

There were peasant households who wanted to enter the city with the vegetables they grew, hunters who brought their bounties, and a few intellectual looking scholars who were wearing green shirts and wielded swords.

"Is there an earthquake?!" Some people felt a tremor under their feet and shouted at the top of their lungs.

Everyone was alarmed and wanted to run toward vacant land. As long as the magnitude of the earthquake wasn't too severe, they would be safe on vacant land. One had to know that there was an earthquake that occurred late at night a decade ago where thousands of people were buried under the collapsed houses.