Hitting an Iron Plate

It was late afternoon when Ren Baqian and Lin Qiaole left the city, and it became dark after they had traveled a short distance.

With great difficulty, they managed to find a grove and parked the carriage and cows by the roadside. Ren Baqian then came back with some dry firewood he had picked up.

The roars of wild animals could be heard and from time to time. There were also fragmented noises coming from the underbush, but nothing could be seen.

"We are only left with steamed buns…" Ren Baqian took out some steamed buns from the carriage. These were taken from the inn when they were leaving in a hurry, and to have steamed buns to eat was already pretty good.

The roasted steamed buns were slightly burned, but they tasted fairly good after salt and pepper were added to them by Ren Baqian.

The buns would taste even better if they had chili sauce.