An Undercover Agent and a Renegade (Part 1)

Ren Baqian sat in the courtyard and stared blankly into space.

The sound of wood being sawed could be heard in the vicinity.

Zhan Caixian was holding his erhu and playing it with exhilaration. Her face was blooming with elation.

Lin Qiaole was sleeping at the top of the wall.

Yes, at the top of the wall.


Every time there was such a noise, it meant that Lin Qiaole had fallen off the wall. After that, she would climb back up to resume sleeping in her groggy state once more.

According to her own words, the room was too quiet and that sawing noise was disturbing her sleep, so she simply ran outside to sleep. Even though it was noisier, the clamor made by people wasn't that prominent. Instead, she could actually fall asleep over here.

At present, Ren Baqian was in a city called Ming City. It was located right in the middle of Tianjing Basin.