Proof of Allegiance

Early in the morning, hundreds of disciples from the Golden Ring Residence were standing together with both hands tied.

These ropes were to remind them of their status, rather than to confine them.

In front of these hundreds of people were 200 winged cavalry warriors. With just one charge, the scene would turn into a bloodbath. Earlier, Ren Baqian had let the Golden Ring Residence make a copy of their secret martial arts manuals for them to pass on. This was a relief to them, and they naturally wouldn't do anything rash.

Zhan Caixian was one of those among this group of people. A few days ago, she was still the daughter of the chief of the Golden Ring Residence and was doted on by everyone. However, she was a prisoner now. This sudden change in status and the experience of fleeing and being captured made her grow up overnight.

She occasionally turned to look at the disciples and noted that most of them looked gloomy.