Where Is My Spear?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Along with the battle between these two, the buildings on the street began to collapse.

A figure in red and a figure in black continuously shuttled through the unceasing dust.

Teng Yue flicked the spear in his hand, and a piece of slate flew toward the empress. However, it turned to dust when it came into contact with her lily-white palms.

"Purple lightning!" Teng Yue shouted at the top of his lungs. At this moment, the spear in his hand turned into a Z-shaped lightning bolt and struck the empress.

Similarly, the empress used her lily-white palms to block the attack, and a visible shockwave was created, sweeping across the entire area. Just then, another building collapsed.

Ren Baqian was dazzled and stunned by this sight. The purple pattern on the empress's face was just so beautiful that it caused his heart to skip a beat. He also wanted to loudly sing a song, but was missing an erhu.