Knocked Out Once Again

"I'm leaving!" Zhan Changkong waved goodbye to Painting Fairy and Zhan Caixian, who were in the courtyard. At the moment, there the Nine Rings Sword was on his back. His four other subordinates—external attendant Ling Zekuan, internal attendant Xu Qiang, vice custodian Liu Jing, and quartermaster Zhan Chiyang—all had weapons at an equivalent standard on their backs too.

"My lord, let me accompany you," Painting Fairy said.

"Stay behind and take care of Caixian. I'm just going out to scout this time, so there isn't much danger. Caixian, I'll bring back some meat for you." Zhan Changkong waved.

After saying this, Zhan Changkong felt that he was somewhat miserable. He actually wanted to bring back some meat for his daughter after he returned from his mission. In any case, he was the chief of Golden Ring Residence, but had now landed in this state.