Lady, Please Behave Yourself

When Shen Feng entered the villa, she was frightened by the sight of three burly men sitting on the floor with bare upper bodies. They wore tattered leather shorts on their lower halves and had scars that criss-crossed their bodies. She made the most feminine gesture Ren Baqian had yet to see from her by retreating backward and crossing her arms.

Although she was a lady, she looked like a man.

Ren Baqian scrutinized her from head to toe and asked, "You are flat-chested—what's there to cover?"

"Boss, you are too mean." Shen Feng glared at him fiercely.

"Honest advice grates on the ears, good medicine is bitter, and the truth may not be pleasant. Please do not take it to heart."

Shen Feng glared at Ren Baqian again before asking, "Who are they… ?"

"Your colleagues, my bodyguards. Recently, I have found that Earth is very unsafe," Ren Baqian explained.