The Final Day of the Agreed 30 Day Period Has Arrived

Ren Baqian opened his eyes, looked outside the window at the dazzling white sky for a moment, and muttered, "The time has come."

The final day of the 30 day period had arrived.

There were no more practitioners coming from the south these last few days.

Either they were hell-bent on rebelling or they were blocked at the Wang Estuary and Ghost Ridge and were unable to make it over.

Whatever the reason, their fate had been decided.

No one would be spared.

The practitioners from the south that were Man Wheel level and above would be decimated.

All the sects and their members would be annihilated.

"I really do not want to kill so many people. The blood will flow like rivers while the river water will be dyed red right in front of me. However, this is karma. You reap what you sow, you have chosen the road, and it has ended. What I can do is send you on your way," Ren Baqian muttered to himself.