Great Enmity and Deep Hostility

The empress, Ning Caichen, and Ren Baqian stopped talking after a while and sat at the fireside, watching the number one expert in the world as he ate. He was feasting as if he hadn't eaten for a few months as he stuffed a huge piece of mutton into his stomach.

He finished a big piece of mutton in a few minutes and immediately reached for a second piece.

The empress was protective of her food, so it was uncharacteristic of her to keep quiet in such a situation, but she constantly flexed her body excitedly in anticipation.

Ren Baqian had been with her for quite a long time and had very rarely seen her showing this kind of expression.

Although the number one expert in the world had been missing for a long time, seeing him in front of her was making the empress's enthusiasm for fighting soar.