Monkey Soldiers

"This huge elephant… is really big!" Ren Baqian muttered to himself when he saw the huge elephant rushing wildly at him from a distance.

At six meters tall, the height of this elephant was equivalent to the height of a two-story building.

With two such elephants running side by side, it was as if a building was being pushed at them, let alone the elephants' three meters tusks, which made them all the more menacing.

In addition, the elephants' bodies were covered with rattan armor from the knees up—even the trunks were covered with rattan rings.

Sitting on each elephant was a person, male or female, wearing a colorful cloak adorned with feathers.

From a distance, it was easy to be mistaken and think that there were only two elephants that were coming at them like a wall. In reality, however, there were also two identical elephants behind the first pair.