
"Be confident. Even though you are just students of this school and do not hold any official positions, you are already the pioneers of this world. Currently, you guys still aren't able to visualize what this steam engine will bring in the future. However, when you all look back a decade later, your names will be engraved in the history of this world. Every one of you will be recorded in the history books by your successors. Your nobility will only be second to mine and my greatness second only to the empress!"

Ren Baqian gave a pep talk to the students. The carriages of the empress and the officials were only a cup of tea's time away from the school. However, he noticed that the students became very nervous after all the excitement and were unsure if those big shots would appreciate this steam engine.

After all, this steam engine's function was only to fetch water. Tong Lan would be able to fetch water much faster than this steam engine could.