Battle of Wits and Courage

For the rest of the evening, Papa Ren, Mama Ren, and Ren Wannian were basically just wandering around the empress. All they did was simply meander around her. They didn't talk much because it took some courage to continuously hold a conversation with her.

They didn't know what she liked or what else to talk about either. With the empress's aura, they couldn't simply chatter like a family as they usually did and say whatever they wanted.

All they did was repeatedly wander around her. Occasionally, Ren Baqian would hear Mama Ren answer a phone call and go on blabbering stuff like, "My son's girlfriend is here, so I won't be there!"

Almost all parents in the world had the same urge to show off. From showing off that their children were obedient in at an early age to their studies, work, and income to their daughters-in-law and grandchildren…