Embarrassing and Coincidental Encounter that Fortunately Didn’t End Badly!

Ren Baqian hesitated for some time after looking at the fork-horned cow that the bodyguard had brought over. Ultimately, he didn't have the courage to get on it.

"Get me a carriage!"

Eventually, they brought him a spacious four-wheeled carriage before setting off majestically from the palace to the clinic.

Ren Baqian sat restlessly in the carriage. After a long and bumpy ride, they arrived somewhere near the clinic, but the bodyguard in front suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Give way! Please stop staring, Principal Ren's driver. Give way!"

"What's going on?" Ren Baqian lifted open the curtains and asked.

"Sir Tong and Sir Qin's personal bodyguards are here at the entrance of the clinic!"

"Oh?" Ren Baqian didn't expect Tong Zhenye and Qin Chuan to actually be at the clinic.