Do You Believe that Her Majesty can be Deceived by Others?

His words didn't carry weight with anyone except for the empress. He was treated like someone who was sleep talking, and his goals were considered impossible to achieve.

It was like someone saying that every family would have an endless amount of gold to spend in the future. Such talk was therefore treated as sleep talking.

Many people felt that this idea was too far fetched and speculated that the empress had changed due to her implicit trust in Ren Baqian.

Was the empress being deceived by the words of Ren Baqian?

A world where everyone was a dragon might interest the empress, but it wasn't possible.

The empress couldn't be allowed to indulge in such unrealistic ideas.

"A load of rubbish!" Tu Wan raised her eyebrows and reprimanded him.

"Are you questioning Her Majesty's grand plan?" Ren Baqian sneered in response.