The Evil Girl

"Whoever goes out of the circle first is the loser! The bet is based on what was just mentioned—if you lose, you will not be allowed to appear in front of me anymore!" Tong Lan drew a circle on the floor with the tip of her foot and marked a thick, palm-sized impression in the tile. She then stood in the center of the circle and looked up at Qing Lian who was across from her.

"Do you think you will win? If you lose, you will have to respectfully address me as your sister every time you see me." Qing Lian smiled as she looked at the small kid.

In Great Xia, achieving the Man Wheel level at this age was considered good. To be an Earth Wheel expert by the age of 20 was exceptionally rare.

However, this girl in front of her was about ten years old and her strength was equivalent to an intermediate stage Earth Wheel expert.

Naturally endowed talent like this was really scary.

What was scarier was that it wasn't only her that had this power.