Soap Production and the Establishment of the Department of Commerce.

"Sir Tong, is the rubber here?" Ren Baqian had just heard that over ten cattle carts filled with wooden barrels had arrived at the workshop. He rushed over and saw Tong Zhenye in a courtyard filled with cattle carts.

"Sir Ren has come at the right time." Tong Zhenye smiled. "See if this is what you want? I will show you some good stuff later."

Ren Baqian rubbed his palms and went forward to open the lid of a wooden barrel. Inside was a milky white resin that was different from the dried-up rubber samples they had received previously. This time, the latex collected was sealed in a wooden barrel and sent on a long trip to Lan City.

"This is it!" Ren Baqian smelled the latex and laughed. After so long, he had finally gotten what he was waiting for.

With this batch of rubber, a lot of projects could commence.