Do You Guys Have a Hatred for My House’s Walls?

A few days after Ren Baqian returned to Dayao, he finally saw Li Fu, the testicles-kicking monster, when he came back totally wobbly.

Li Fu still looked like how he had looked previously. He wasn't very depressed and wasn't missing a limb either. It seemed like his first attempt at parachuting was successful and that the empress had to continue deferring her advancement to the rank of third most powerful expert in the world.

Li Fu was still riding a black-faced guy, which was a wild boar. It was over three meters tall, covered in short ash-brown hair, and emitted an aura that was no weaker than that of an Earth Wheel expert. Such a powerful black-faced guy could be said to be an overlord in the forest. No other beasts dared to provoke it, whereas even other fearsome beasts at the same caliber had to avoid it.