Electric Cage

"I feel that something is wrong with the commander of the palace's imperial guards lately. Do you know anything?" the empress suddenly asked the afternoon before the second contest.

Ren Baqian was shocked.

"I recruited General Xin Zhe to help me with an electric shock experiment a few days ago in order to test a Cardinal Heaven expert's resistance toward electricity. After all, if I don't understand it properly and make accurate calculations, someone could easily die from it…"

"Electric shock?" The empress looked a little pensive. "Is it like what happened to that person?"

"Ning Caichen?" Ren Baqian didn't expect the empress to still remember him.

"That name—perhaps you know who I'm referring to," the empress replied faintly. "However, what are you going to do if something happens to my imperial guard commander after experimenting on her?"