[Visualization of Metal]

In a land without any plants, the parched ground was filled with cracks and various long swords of different shapes that were inserted in the ground. A half inserted and primitive-looking sword could be found every few steps.

In the background was a fiery red sunset.

The blazing red sky, together with the bleak scenery and those ownerless swords, brought a sense of desolation.

The name of this place was the Jinrui Land.

Ren Baqian slowly walked forward. Although he didn't touch anything, bloody wounds would appear on his body occasionally. It was as if there were invisible swords around him that wanted to cut him into pieces.

This was the world of the [Visualization of Metal], and it was filled with a sharp golden force field that was invisible.

Ren Baqian felt that it would be more appropriate to call it the Infinite Sword Field or the Sword Graveyard.