Everything Depends on the Roar

The words of Ya Sheng caused a stir.

The winged cavalry warriors in the group were recruited from the Sixty Thousand Mountains, so many of them had heard of the xiong yan before.

They heard of it through the legends passed down by aboriginals who passed through their villages.

According to these legends, 650 kilometers south of the Ya Family village, there was a red mountain called Mount Tu.

Some people said that a long, long time ago, there was a herd of beasts there. They were powerful, stronger than Cardinal Heaven experts, wreaked havoc in all directions, and destroyed umpteen villages.

Subsequently, an aboriginal expert gathered many people from the villages to attack and destroy the whole herd.

That expert perished there while many villages suffered great casualties.

That mountain was stained with the blood of the beasts and the aboriginals.

From then on, not even a blade of grass grew on Mount Tu.