Lin Qiaole Made a Friend!

After the arrangements were complete, the kadsura coccinea forest became quieter.

The only people left were Ren Baqian, the empress, and 300 winged cavalry warriors.

Ren Baqian still allowed the winged cavalry to chop some timber to build houses, and he wasn't intending to leave until he finished eating the kadsura coccineas.

He would have a kadsura coccinea once every day and night and would spend the rest of the time training or accompanying the empress.

This area was considered pretty scenic and exuberant. It was quite relaxing for them to move here after staying in the valley of the Earth Yin Spring for three months.

At night, Ren Baqian and the empress held hands as they sat on a rooftop and gazed at the stars above.

He enjoyed holding her hand as it was very soft and tender.

Her body also gave off a smell that he felt was very fragrant.