Using a Nuclear Bomb to Make Fireworks

The heavy rain fell on the dense leaves, gliding along their surfaces. There wasn't a single dry spot in the entire forest.

Not only did the rain not cool down the air, it actually made everyone feel very hot and humid.

This had already been going on for some time.

It had never been easy to travel in the mountains during the rainy season.

Ren Baqian and the empress huddled inside a teepee made out of branches.

It was a temporary structure made just to shelter from the rain.

Sitting on the animal hide that covered the ground, Ren Baqian complacently said, "My craft is still pretty good."

The empress glanced at the small space. With both of them sitting inside the teepee, there was almost no space left. Such temporary shelters could easily be made, even by children, and she didn't know what he was so pleased about.