Route Map

"What's this thing about people lighting candles and ghosts blowing lights out? Sounds impressive!" After being taken outside, the empress still didn't really understand it.

"It's a legend. It's just a lack of oxygen inside." Ren Baqian laughed as he sat on the ground.

"Oxygen? I seem to have heard of this before!" The empress looked pensive. She waved her hand and got Qing Yuan and Hong Luan to bring two chairs over.

"There are actually different components that make up air, such as nitrogen, hydrogen, ozone, oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and various inert gases. Among them, oxygen is needed for living things to survive. Without oxygen, they will suffocate and die." Ren Baqian put his arm on the chair and continued sitting on the ground as he felt too lazy to get up.

In fact, the ground beneath the shade was slightly more cooling.