Untitled (Again)

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, I have brought in your guest." Xin Zhe brought Ning Caichen into the palace hall. Ning Caichen was wearing purple clothes, had a long sword slung behind her back, and held a small bag in her hands.

Seeing the empress sitting up above, she bowed gently and used Great Xia's etiquette for women.

"Greetings, Your Majesty, Your Highness!"

The sword behind her back trembled slightly.

The empress glanced at her briefly before continuing to look at her laptop.

Speaking of which, this laptop was already pretty old.

Ren Baqian was in the midst of examining the leather bag in his hands, which contained the herbs for making a nourishing and healthy soup.

Supplementation must never stop!

He lifted his head and looked at Ning Caichen before saying, "I'm giving you one last chance to change your mind."

"I'll never regret this!"