Raising a Ruckus

"Hey, did you hear that? The world's number one expert has appeared and has found the residence of an ancient God. In that residence, there are hidden treasures used by that God!"

"That's ridiculous. Have you read too many supernatural and fantasy novels? Ancient God?"

"This… you are ignorant. Ancient treasures are occasionally discovered, and a blood bath will arise every time it happens! Take the rumored sword master for example, who kills his enemies with flying swords. That's indeed true!"

"It's said that sword masters have been increasingly rare this decade, but to be specific, who has actually seen it with their own eyes?"

"You mean the ancient people fabricated it? That is ridiculous. There are all sorts of strange Spirit Wheel experts—how are they fake? I think you have gotten muddle-headed from all that reading."

Two scholars were debating with each other in a restaurant in Great Xia.