How Did You Become Like This?

Compared to Dayao, the society that Ren Baqian imagined actually existed in Great Xia.

There were grievances where there were people, and there were killings where there were grievances.

One couldn't always do as they liked in society.

When stuck in a difficult situation, there was no harm going out there to find greener pastures.

The various descriptions of this society made every Chinese youth imagine life in such a society.

This was especially true in Great Xia. It was shown in the official records that there were still a total of 666 sects that currently existed.

There were various new factions that weren't recorded. There were existing ones that died out and new ones that emerged every day. Apart from their own members and families, even their rivals couldn't remember all of them.

It could be said that every sect that survived until today had gone through many storms.

Luohua Sect was one of them.