Temple of Heaven

Wen Xiaosheng sat there for a long time in silence, looking extremely amazed.

He then walked away without a word and went back to reorganize these incredible things that he had heard.

He felt a little bit of yearning as well.

Was there really another branch of the human race? Had they really made such progress?

Compared to them, this group of people should really be ashamed.

There were just some things that Wen Xiaosheng couldn't figure out. Since they belonged to the same race, what opportunities did they have and how did they get to where they were at present?

At night, Ren Baqian slept well. He felt more relaxed after realizing that he would temporarily be free of worry. The only thing that stressed him a little was the empress. He needed to find a way to contact her…

However, Wen Xiaosheng was almost suffering from insomnia. He spent the whole night thinking about the things that Ren Baqian said, forming images in his mind.